In October, gems of contemporary art from Kiasma Collections will receive a temporary home in the beautiful classical galleries of Kunsthalle Helsinki. The exceptional collaboration has resulted in a cornucopia of extraordinary colour worlds, strange shapes and material hybrids.How do the works from Kiasma look like when they are exhibited outside their own museum in the Kunsthalle, constructed in 1928 for a different period and a different conception of art?
The placement of the works in the galleries and their mutual dialogue impart a different mood to each gallery.The exhibition as a whole challenges conventional notions of beauty: Richard Deacon’s Almost Beautiful would be an apt characterisation of the show.The experience of beauty in the exhibition can be found with many senses. The collaborative exhibition is curated by Eija Aarnio from Kiasma and Hanna Mamia-Walthe from Kunsthalle Helsinki.A total of 30 works were selected for the show from among the 8,500 works in Kiasma Collections.The show features work by 22 major artists representing such genres as minimalism, kinetic art and 21st century painting and sculpture.The show includes several works from the Kouri Collection and a few more recent acquisitions that have not yet been exhibited in Kiasma.
The artists in the exhibition are: Louise Bourgeois (France), Jacob Dahlgren (Sweden), Richard Deacon (Great Britain), Jan Fabre (Belgium), Dan Flavin (USA), Simryn Gill (Singapore), Helena Hietanen (Finland), Marjatta Holma (Finland), Joseph L. James (USA), Donald Judd (USA), Esa Laurema (Finland), Richard Long (Great Britain), Liisa Lounila (Finland), Vesa-Pekka Rannikko (Finland), Mari Rantanen (Finland), Gerhard Richter (Germany), Eino Ruutsalo (Finland), Heikki Ryynänen (Finland), Richard Serra (USA), Osmo Valtonen (Finland), Annu Vertanen (Finland), Marko Vuokola (Finland).
Simryn Gill: Itsekylväytyviä / Självsående / Self-Seeds, 1998. Australiasta, Malesiasta ja Suomesta kerätyt siemenet, palot ja kävyt, muovi- ja kumipyörät / frön, fröbaljor och kottar, plast- och gummihjul / seeds, pods and cones, plastic and rubber wheels. Kiasma, Kokoelmat / Samlingarna / Collections
Hietanen, Helena: Naisellinen vika, 1993