Tilaa uutiskirje

Petri kekoni
Petri Kekoni: Möhkäle dance performance


Petri Kekoni: Möhkäle – Erratic Block dance performance
Saturday 9.3. at 20–21
Sunday 10.3. at 20–21
Monday 11.3. at 20–21

The solo work Möhkäle – Erratic block by Petri Kekoni takes on a new form during the three-day performances at Kunsthalle Helsinki.

The work premiered in October at Suvilahti Maneesi, bringing a new dimension to Kekoni’s production. Known for his personal language of movement and strong aesthetics, Kekoni’s performance will be enhanced through the use of his body interplaying with the space and a block-like element.

Möhkäle – Erratic block is performed at the Kunsthalle during 9–11.3. Tickets are available at and at the door an hour before the show.

Please join us for an artist talk on Saturday, 9.3. at 13, when Kekoni discusses his work.

The performance at the Kunsthalle, 9–11.3. at 20.
Nervanderinkatu 3
Tickets: €20 / €15 (includes service charge)
Discount: Museum Card, unemployed, student, professional, pensioner
The ticket includes The Kunsthalle exhibition during 19–20.

Koreography & dance: Petri Kekoni
Light and sound design: Mikko Hynninen
Costume: Joanna Weckman
Images: Erno Soralipas