Tilaa uutiskirje

Guided Tours in Sign Language

Saturday 15.6. at 15
Wednesday 26.6. at 18
Saturday 3.8. at 15

Our guided tours in sign language explore the artworks and artistic practice of Susanne Gottberg. Painting on both wood and canvas, she captures exquisite impressions of furniture and drinking glasses. She vividly evokes a sense of what lies beyond the confines of the canvas by focusing intently on specific details and cropping her images suggestively. Gottberg engages in a play on spatiality that raises questions about what we see and cannot see by seizing moments when something appears to have just happened or is about to happen.

Guide: Netta Keski-Levijoki
Read more about Susanne Gottberg’s exhibition.
The guided tours in sign language are included in the admission:  €12 / €8 / Museum Card