Tilaa uutiskirje

Bodily Meditations

Bodily Meditations  – corporeal interpretations of Tarja Pitkänen-Walter’s works

On three evenings in February, the choreographers Sara Grotenfelt, Eeva Juutinen and Iina Taijonlahti will share with exhibition visitors various performative and multisensory ways of engaging with Tarja Pitkänen-Walter’s paintings. Each performance lasts about 20 min.

Tickets must be reserved in advance. The reservation can be done on the bottom of this page.
The events will be held according to covid-restrictions. The performance contains nudity.

Fri 18.2. at 18.30
Sat 19.2. at 17.30
Sun 20.2. st 17.30
Total duration 60 min
Tickets 14 € / 8 € / Museum Card

Sara Grotenfelt: Onion

This performance is a prelude that reveals the layers of associations that arise out of the exhibition works and some affective images composed out of them.

Eeva Juutinen: Tongue grows out of the eyes

The work explores intimacy, imaginativiness and affectivity in relation to Tarjas works by investigating surfaces, layers, gaze, weight and poetry.

Iina Taijonlahti: Navigating in the Frame

In this piece artwork and human being exist side by side, forming varying compositions in which cumulative effects and concatenations of ideas and objects are interpreted.


Photo: Eeva Juutinen